
Accounting System Setup

Setting up your accounting system in the correct manner can save you a lot of time and effort later on and will ensure that your accounting records reflects an accurate picture of your business’s financial position.

Our Account setup services include the following

  • Creating Chart of accounts
  • Creating Clients and Suppliers
  • Importing and allocating historical data
  • Setting up rules from the historical data
  • Connecting bank accounts
  • Class and projects setup
  • Creating products and services

Financial Reporting

Financial Reporting requirements changes regularly and staying on top of those changes can be daunting.

Here at expanse we can assist you in meeting your reporting requirements and staying up to date with the amended accounting standards.

The Australian Accounting Standards Board have approved AASB 2020-2 – the removal of Special Purpose Financial Statements for certain for profit private sector entities.

There has also been changes to the Australian Financial Reporting Framework for the Not-for-profit sector.

Cash Flow Forecasting and Budgeting

Cash flow is a very important part of every business. 

We will assist you in preparing a cash flow forecast for the next 12 months.

We also believe that this should not be a once off document created in the beginning of the year and disregarded. As part of our monthly bookkeeping process we agree actuals to budgets and update the cash flow to ensure that everything is still going according to plan.

If you would like us to help you setup a budget and cash flow forecast for your business please contact us for a free consultation.

Internal Control Advice

Internal control processes are one of the areas we are very passionate about. We believe that the right controls can simplify your life and reduce unnecessary risks.

Even if your business is small there is value in ensuring that you are implementing relevant controls.

Contact us if you would like to know more about internal controls that can be applied to your business.